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Agrarianism: Dr. Carlson maintains that small-scale agriculture, with home and farmland owned outright, is the ideal setting for rearing a family. He believes that public policy should prevent the consolidation of farmsteads and corporate farming, supporting instead the family farm.
Distributism: Building on the work a century ago of Hilaire Belloc and G.K. Chesterton, Dr. Carlson holds that true democracy requires that the ownership of productive property in homes, land, and natural resources be widely distributed; and that family-scale farming, decentralized manufacturing, and small, specialized retail shops be favored by the law.
Maternalism: Dr. Carlson argues that the bearing, nursing, and rearing of small children are the most vital of human tasks and the special provenance of women. He believes that culture and law should encourage and protect these activities.
Paleoconservatism: Dr. Carlson supports the “old” conservative principles of decentralization, limited government, traditional values, Christian ethics, regionalism, and patriotism.
Pronatalism: Dr. Carlson favors large families. He argues that the danger facing the future is too few, rather that too many, children. He praises “baby friendly” cultures and public policies that enable responsible married couples to bear more children.
Social Conservatism: The “natural family,” Dr. Carlson holds, is the surest path to health, security, and happiness… for individuals, for communities, and for nations. Grounded in human nature, the natural family rests on the marriage of one man to one woman and their children, with meaningful bonds to extended kin, ancestors, and posterity. The law should support this family system.
Traditional Conservatism: Dr. Carlson believes also in “the democracy of the dead”: that traditions and customs reflect the collective wisdom of the human past and are a gift from those whose struggles and achievements made possible our lives today. Inherited communities, institutions, beliefs, and ways should be respected.
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